Book review

In 2020 Axelos published the 5th edition of Managing Successful Programmes. Because of COVID, only recently in 2022, as a trainer I was made aware of this new edition and had a chance to become familiar with it.

I have been MSP Advanced Practitioner from 2005 to 2020 and a MSP Approved Trainer since 2005 for several training organizations in The Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain.

Also, I have been a PRINCE2 Practitioner and a PRINCE2 Approved Trainer since 2002.

This evaluation assumes good understanding and knowledge of MSP by the reader. It discusses a number of issues, but only a number of in my view critical issues and not all of my issues.

I felt the need to evaluate the 5th edition and, to a lesser extent, the exams. Hopefully it could be used by Axelos to improve the MSP 5th edition and/or the exams.

AXELOS published the 2017 Edition of PRINCE2. Here is a verdict: is the 2017 edition an improvement? Why or why not? ...

MSP (Managing Successful Programmes) offers a methodical approach to Programme Management. The 2011 edition is an update to the 2007 edition. What is this edition about and what are the major changes?

MSP offers guidance for large change initiative that involves major risk. Because of the size, duration and the many different interests and influences by many stakeholders, strategic changes need strong leadership. MSP offers an approach to the different areas to lead and manage change.