Assurance and Evaluation

What is de viability of your initiative? Are risks controlled? Are there any surprises?

Better safe than sorry!

Failing projects cost enormous amounts of money, motivation of people and reputations. But almost always they are caused by unidentified risks. Will you keep taking the same risks or even ignore them? Or is it better to be safe than sorry?

"Your predictions were remarkably accurate."

A client two months after my evaluation of a project and recommendations
  • Assurance: on behalf of the accountable roles monitoring and guidance of the day-to-day responsible person(s) during the project or programme
  • Evaluation of goals. Are the goals realistic? Are the goals well defined and can they be communicated?
  • Evaluation of plans. Are the plans viable? Are the plans realistic?
  • Evaluation of the organisation. Do the right people have the right roles?
  • Health check. What is the status of your project or programme? What is the ongoing viability?

Obviously any evaluation will be include clear recommendations.